It doesn’t seem like a day passes by that we don’t hear of several horrible events taking place in the world. Shootings, stabbings, earthquakes, extreme weather, etc. Some people chalk it up to global news; that we hear about things more because we have access to more news. But I’m not so sure that is the case. There has been an influx of violence and hate, sweeping across the world along with extreme weather changes not seen in human history. In the United States and other parts of the world, politically-driven extremism has become the new normal. People displaying great hate for one another over differences in opinion and political views.
Watching all this can lead to a person thinking that this world is spiraling out of control. Like it’s a train going 100 MPH with no driver, rushing toward a brick wall. But what if we were told all this would take place? What if things are very much in control?
Human History and the Bible
Many are quick to blow off the Bible as any sort of history book. Even many professing Christians find it hard to believe that the stories and prophecies have any historical fact. What’s often overlooked is the evidence supporting the truth found in the Bible. As an example, we can plainly see prophecies were written by Daniel, Ezekiel and Isaiah 100 or more years before the events or kingdoms they wrote about occurred (see Ezekiel 26 & 44, Daniel 7, 8 & 11, Isaiah 53). Of which these kingdoms and events are also recorded in human history outside of the Bible. We have literary and archeological evidences that support the times of writing for these and many other Biblical accounts. With fragments of Daniel and Ezekiel being found in the Dead Sea Scrolls along with the entire book of Isaiah. So we are very sure they wrote their books long before the events happened. Jesus had many prophecies written about His first coming, some 600 or so years before He walked this earth,
The Bible even talks of the Jewish people being dispersed throughout the world (
I encourage everyone to do your own studies and research into the accuracy of the Bible, with known historical events, since the scope of this article doesn’t support such a deep dive.
The Bible is Full of Truth and Future Truths
The many fulfilled prophesies of the Bible not only back up my personal belief that it is indeed the Word of God, but also shows it can be trusted. No other book has foretold so many things with 100% accuracy. This is why the Christian faith isn’t a blind faith as some might say. There is way too much evidence of its truth. Believing that God doesn’t exist takes way more blind faith than being a believer in Jesus. So why did I tell you all this? It was important to establish the foundation of historical accuracy, before I tell you about how the Bible applies to the events of today and the future.
In addition to the many Biblical prophecies of Jesus’ first coming, there are hundreds more about His second coming. You can find in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus’ description of the end of this age. We can see more information given in the Old Testament Prophets, the Epistles and in the Bible’s final book, Revelation. Not all of it pertains to this very moment in history, however Jesus has told us in
Our world is looking more and more like a reflection of those days of wickedness. Where God judged the world in the flood of Noah (Genesis 6) and judged Sodom and Gomorrah in the days of Lot (Genesis 19,
Modern Culture Has Distorted the Truth
Back to our modern day; media and entertainment has increasingly mocked and distorted the prophesies of the end of this age or end times. Making the Bible look like fairytales and fictional stories. Creating its own versions of the truth of the end times that they refer to as “Armageddon”. However, with all the evidence you can find for the validity of the Biblical accounts and prophesies, it would be foolish to write it off as fairytales. Contrary to what pop culture says today about “Armageddon”, the world will not end by aliens, all out human war, a space object, global warming, etc. This age will end because God will end it to judge the wicked and reward the believers. This is what the book of Revelation tells us and if we can trust the rest of the Bible, we can for sure trust its most important book of prophecy for our time.
The Heart of Man Is Deathly Sick
The very descriptions of the last days are starting to be played out before our eyes. The establishing of Israel as a nation state once again, wars and rumors of wars, the many earthquakes in various places, the famine in different parts of the world and the pure hatred toward fellow man. We see all the horrible things that we do to each other (
God is in Control
The season of violent events and the extreme weather will eventually make way for the 7-year Tribulation (
Nobody knows the day or the hour of Christ’s return (
God Will Not Wait Forever
God does not want anyone to perish in their sin (